Thursday, December 2, 2010

The rand “virus”: or how to insert dummy text into a document

Like jokes, urban legends, and virus hoaxes, tips about Word’s little-used or undocumented features periodically makes their way around the Internet, occasioning a wave of postings in Word newsgroups. One of these is =rand(), which is sometimes represented as an Easter egg, sometimes feared as a possible virus. It is neither. It is a Word function (undocumented in the online Help but documented in the Microsoft Knowledge Base) that can be useful in certain circumstances.

The rand function

The Microsoft Knowledge Base article How to Insert Sample Text into a Document in Word explains the use and syntax of the function: “to quickly insert sample text into a document.” To do this, type =rand() in the document where you want the text to appear, and then press Enter.
Note: The rand function works only if you have “Replace text as you type” enabled in Tools | AutoCorrect Options. It will also not work if the insertion point is immediately after a page or column break.
In Word 2003 and earlier (English versions), the inserted text is that hardy perennial: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog,” which contains every letter in the English alphabet. As the KB article explains, different language versions of Word use different text.
In Word 2007 =rand() produces several paragraphs of text telling you useful things about galleries, Quick Styles, and themes in Word 2007. If you want quick brown foxes instead, you can use the syntax =rand.old().
By default, the sample text contains three paragraphs, each containing five sentences (three paragraphs of three sentences in Word 2007). You can control how many paragraphs and sentences appear by adding numbers inside the parentheses, for instance:
The first number is the number of paragraphs, and the second the number of sentences per paragraph. If you omit the second number, you get five sentences in each paragraph. So, for example:
inserts three four-sentence paragraphs, while:
inserts ten five-sentence paragraphs.
The maximum number for either parameter is 200 and may be lower depending on the number of paragraphs and sentences specified. For instance, if you specify 200 paragraphs, then the maximum number of sentences per paragraph you can specify is 99:
=rand(200, 99)
If you specify 200 sentences per paragraph, then the maximum number of paragraphs you can specify is 99.
Admittedly, this function serves a useful purpose for filling a page when you’re designing a template and want to see how it will look with text in it. It’s also easy to see how users can be alarmed and fear this is a virus when someone suggests they try “=rand(200,99),” which quickly blows up into a giant document! (Incidentally, part of the instructions in some versions is to “Make sure there is a space between = and rand and a space between rand and (200,99).” This actually makes no difference: the function works equally well with and without spaces.)

A better method of creating dummy text

Although the rand function is quick and easy, the text it produces is not very natural. All the paragraphs are the same length, and, because every sentence is the same, the lines will tend to break in the same places. The result is that some possible formatting problems may be masked. Another, more useful, possibility, therefore, is to use “Greek“ or “lorem ipsum” text.
Because this kind of dummy text is very commonly used by designers (because it gives a natural look without distracting content), you’ve probably seen examples of it. Microsoft even used it in the Microsoft TrueType Font Assistant (version 1.1) in Windows 3.x. According to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article: Description of the "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" text that appears in Word Help:
The phrase "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer" appears in Microsoft Word online Help. This phrase has the appearance of an intelligent Latin idiom. Actually, it is nonsense.
“Although the phrase is nonsense,” the article continues, “it does have a long history.” If you’re curious about that history, follow the link above.
Lorem ipsum text is also discussed at The Free Online Dictionary of Computing, which adds that “the point of using this text, or some other text of incidental intelligibility, is that it has a more-or-less normal (for English and Latin, at least) distribution of ascenders, descenders, and word lengths, as opposed to just using ‘abc 123 abc 123’, ‘Content here content here’, or the like.”
If you want to use the text, here’s how:

Word 2007:

Word 2007 has a built-in function, similar to rand, that produces this text automatically. Type =lorem() and press Enter. The text entered is not identical to what is given below but is similar.

Word 2003 and earlier:

  1. 1. A sample of “lorem ipsum” text is provided below. Copy it and paste it into a Word document.
  2. You may want to duplicate the text (to expand it) and edit it to create longer or shorter paragraphs, add some dummy headings, or the like. (The chunk I have saved is about a page long, which is a useful size; you can always truncate it as needed.) Needless to say, you can break the text anywhere—not just between sentences.
  3. To keep Word’s spelling checker from going crazy when you use this text, do it (and yourself) a favor by turning off spell checking for this text. To do that, select the text, go to Tools | Language | Set Language, and check the box for “Do not check spelling or grammar.” (In some earlier versions, choose “(no proofing)” as the language.)
  4. To save the text as an AutoText entry, select it, press Alt+F3, and type in a name for your AutoText entry. (After some experimentation, I settled on “lorem”; now whenever I type “lore” and press Enter, the text is inserted.)Here’s the text:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.
One caveat about the above sample: it does not contain every letter in the English alphabet. If it is important for testing purposes that you include every letter, then you are better off with quick brown foxes.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why PHP Development is Very Popular in the Web Development Industry?

Now a day web development Industry has been moved in Open source application development with PHP development. All users want to develop their websites with PHP development because PHP is a Open source and we can use its easily and flexible. Today PHP web development has become a famous business among the several Company of.
Almost companies of the India outsource web development as well as PHP development, open source development. Day by day companies are fastest growing in PHP development. PHP is the most preferred languages accepted across the globe to create any applications.  With use of PHP our efficiency of web development increased and also we can live web sites day by day and trough this we can grow more business. Our productivity has been increased through PHP development. Also we can reduce time and cost reduces which is the best for clients.
if you are going to plan E commerce-shopping cart designed, E-commerce development,  CRM Solutions, Community tools Web Calendars, Chat software, content management systems, Discussion forum, Social bookmark sites, Blog then you should have Expertise team of PHP development otherwise you have to outsource PHP development. Now a days India is the leader in the outsource web development, PHP development. India has covered the 70% markets of outsource web development across the world.
Why PHP Development is Popular? Here are some advantages:
Ø       Great performance
Ø       Reliability
Ø       easily embedded into HTML
Ø       agreeable with servers like Apache
Ø       Helps effectively in providing content from web server to client
Ø       Faster speed and better efficiency then other languages
Ø       Better versatility
Ø       Reduce cost of Development and maintenance
Ø       Easy Customization
These are all above features attract all to web development with PHP development. The market of the PHP development is growing high follow streamlined processes, provide consultancy. For the PHP development Indian markets is the charming market which is the reliable for best out source web development as well as PHP development, Open source development.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010




Sunday, November 21, 2010

Future of PHP : Open source Era

The fact that PHP is an open source programming language makes a great case against its competitors. It has a cheap, fast, reliable and widely supported environment to run in, therefore it is mainly used in standard web deployment, not only large enterprises. PHP became the most popular language on the Internet in 2002, and that with next to $0 marketing costs. None of PHP's main competitors – ASP, Perl and JavaScript – have such a great community to support them. On the other hand, commercial languages such as ColdFusion offer a lot more components, tools and support, but that comes with a lot of money also.
Why should you choose PHP? If you're a beginner, PHP is excellent for you. It is really easy to understand, and you can figure out most things on your own. PHP documentation isn't the most detailed one, but it can give you some information on what you're trying to find out. If you still cannot find what you're looking for, a search on the Internet will be worthwhile. There are a lot of tutorials and code examples, and most certainly you will find out more than you expected. Other languages, on the other hand, have a detailed documentation – even though it is sometimes too detailed and you can't understand anything from it – so you probably won't have to do any additional research on the Internet.
If you're an intermediate or advanced programmer, you may like PHP because there are a lot of things you can do with it. Flexibility and portability are two essential attributes of PHP. You can run it or almost every operating system in the world, and you can modify it as you wish. Besides, at the end of the day, you will not have spent any money into doing so. Other languages rely on the fact that having a lot of components and tools cover for their lack of versatility towards new ones.
When it comes to support, PHP is known for its excellent global community, which helps out people looking for answers. Alternatively, commercial languages provide support from well-trained personal who will answer you quickly, but then again the costs are much higher.
You will find both praises and critics to PHP. The best way to go is to try it for yourself. Just start fresh without taking into consideration other people's comments, and figure it out on your own.

SilverStripe CMS has become Microsoft certified

SilverStripe is a free and open source programming framework and content management system (CMS) for creating and maintaining websites. The CMS provides an intuitive web-based administration panel, allowing any person to maintain their website without knowledge of markup or programming languages.
SilverStripe contains a flexible MVC development framework known as Sapphire. Much like Ruby on Rails, but written in PHP5, it ensures developers are capable of extending and enhancing the functionality of the CMS and the website. SilverStripe provides developers with complete control of the generated markup; allowing for higher, semantic standards of XHTML. As a consequence, building websites using SilverStripe requires technical website development competence, and is thus aimed at providing efficiency and power to experienced website developers.
SilverStripe can run on Windows or Linux, with a choice of MySQL, Microsoft SQL, or PostgreSQL database.
SilverStripe is released under the terms of the BSD Licence. Documentation is available for CMS users and website developers. A 450 page technical reference book on SilverStripe is available in German, with an English edition coming by August 2009. An online demonstration of the CMS is available as a video and as an interactive demo

SilverStripe CMS the first ever open source web app to become Microsoft Certified

We're excited to report that SilverStripe CMS has become Microsoft certified today. This is notable because Microsoft has certified a very small number* of web apps, and we're the first ever open source certified web app.
Microsoft's Certified for Windows programme is well known for indicating software and hardware products that have been thoroughly tested and which work well on Microsoft Windows. Of course, much of the innovation in the software world is now happening on the web, and with awareness and adoption of open source software growing fantastically, it makes sense for Microsoft to begin certifying open source web-based software.
For those who are unfamiliar with us, it might be useful to make a point around what we mean by open source. It is a broad term. For us it refers to software released under an license approved by the Open Source Initiative (which for SilverStripe CMS is the BSD license) and that the software meets the Open Source Definition. We'd even go further and suggest that, in the spirit of open source software, open source software should have a number of other qualities to be truely open source. For instance, we feel that the source code must not only be freely available, it should be available via a versioning system such as Subversion or GIT. We also feel that there should also be official public online systems (forums, mailing lists, bug trackers, wikis, etc) that allow a community to transparently discuss the direction, development, customisation, and use of a software project. In addition there should be good documentation available so that people have a decent hope of using the software if they have adequate skills. So when we say SilverStripe CMS is the first open source web-app to be Microsoft Certified, we're proudly stating ours is the first certified software to embrace all of these types of values. Finally, as a bonus, all of the languages that comprise our software (PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) are all either open source or open standards.
The process towards certification has been a long but, we trust, rewarding road. A large proportion of our community, and those who pay for services to do with our software, use Microsoft servers, databases, and other technology. A lot of you actively sought that our product worked reliably in this environment. Over the past three years we've worked to make SilverStripe CMS work with Microsoft's operating system, web servers, and SQL Server database product.
We have also made SilverStripe CMS much easier to install on Windows through being one of the selected products bundled with Microsoft Web Platform Installer (WebPI) when it launched last year. Since then, SilverStripe CMS has been installed over 60,000 times using WebPI. Finally, we have done work to ensure SilverStripe CMS runs fast on Windows, through being compatible with the Microsoft WinCache PHP bytecode cache, a free extension to IIS.
Certification is a result of this work. It highlights that our product development has been done to Microsoft best practices, and that a third party, one of Microsoft's appointed certification partners, Wipro Technology, has rigorously tested our software.
We're proud because all of the people who have been asking for our software to run on Windows now know that it runs really well.
We're also very proud to be part of a global milestone in corporate IT accepting and embracing open source software.

The Best Open Source CMS Mainly Used for Blogging

All websites require their content to showcase in a very professional manner. Since it is very hard for a single person or team to do it by himself/herself, they look for help in designing and maintaining the websites. This is where the importance of CMS systems props up. These systems not only help in creating a good website but also help in managing and updating the website. Given below are some of the very Best Free CMS which are Mainly used for Blogging Purposes.

1. Typo 3

A CMS used by the multinational company Philips, Typo 3 is known for its efficiency. It offers amazing features for content management. However, the only point to be noted is that it is not very simple to use, especially as an admin. There are more than 1000 tutorials present to guide you, but reading and understanding these tutorials takes dedication and valuable time. The result of the hard work put in by the Administration side is seen as it takes the end users roughly an hour to set up all the required tools. It is supported by PHP and supports most operating systems. Some of its features include an internal search engine, editing on page etc.
Typo 3

2. Frog CMS

Unlike Typo, Frog CMS is known for its simplicity and speed. It‘s features include on page editing, templating code. It is extendable and includes an API and you can also add images and pages to the data. However, this software is involved and is not recommended for newbies. By using Frog, you can be fully ready with a content solution within an hour. This is also supported by PHP and has RDMS like MySQL or SQLite.
Frog CMS

3. Symphony

Symphony is an Open source CMS which can be described in 3 words –standard driven, simple and modular. It has discrete components which can configured fully to suit your needs .All the features are independent of each other making it perfect for modifications and additions. This CMS is lean, small and precise. It is supported by XHTML,CSS ,XML etc.

4. Textpattern

Textpattern is an very elegant and user –friendly CMS. It is supported by CSS and XHTML and has hundreds of plug-ins that are ready to be used. A notable feature is that it has built-in tags which decide how the dynamic content will be displayed. The admin interface is efficient, minimalist and clearly labelled .It also has a lot security features like anti-spamming system .It is also very easy to manages it has a variety of features like up to date visitor logs ,unlimited categories of images ,files etc.

5. Wordpress

Wordpress focuses on speed, simplicity and great user experience. Wordpress is designed in such a manner so as to give the user absolute control of the webblog. Wordpress has control tolls, which enable to restrict the amount of changes that a visitor can make while visiting your blog. Also whenever you update your blog the is no need to rebuild your page. It has the template editor tool which allows you to improve the presentation of your blog. Wordpress can moderate comments from certain addresses, comments with particular words in them etc.

6. DotCMS

DotCMS is one such software which covers a wide variety of needs. It does so convincing set of features which can be tailored to suit your needs. It offers site-wide templating, inline content editing, MP3 player streaming, content versioning etc. In addition to the above mentioned features, it also offers “on demand installs”, thereby improving its commercial use. However, the admin screens require time and patience to figure out the details. It uses Java technology and supports OS like Windows and UNIX .It has a setup time of roughly 60 minutes.

7. Umbraco

Umbraco is open source software which is one of the top contenders for the best CMS software. This software focuses on and has achieved high standards in accordance with CSS and XHTML. It has a very short setup time – a mere 10 minutes. Its main features include a compact template engine, scheduled publishing and support for most net languages and Ajax frameworks. Its RDMS is MS SQL.

8. Habari

This free software is made after a thorough understanding of the blogging system. This software does not allow content spams or digg overloads to affect its functionality. It strongly favors standard , open and documented protocols. It is not a plug-in, but instead a core feature. It is supported by the PHP language and therefore enables the use of PDO which in turn enables proper statements for the interactions with the database. Its vulnerability to SQL injects attacks has been greatly reduced due to this

9. ocPortal

ocPortal is a very user-friendly CMS which offers a wide range of features .It major plus points are that its highly customizable , easy to use for admins and its out-of the box usability. It’s features include sophisticated tools like Theme Wizard, integration with many forums for increased efficiency, functionality is very high for all content , which includes articles, images etc. It does not hide any features from the users and is OSI-approved Open Source licence.

10. CMS Made Simple

CMS Made Simple is an open source (GPL) package, built using PHP that provides website developers with a simple, easy to use utility to allow building small-ish (dozens to hundreds of pages), semi-static websites. CMS Made Simple provides a mechanism for the website administrator to create and manage “pages”, their layout, and their content. CMS Made simple is unobtrusive. You can create a table based layout, or a fully validating XHTML/CSS layout.

11. Squarespace

Squarespace is specially designed for the creation of blogs .It has simple yet state of the art tools to help you set up and manage your website .Its blogging features are very diverse and they include spell checks, RSS , ATOM, XML-RCC pinging ,member registration, content management ,multiple authors, timed publishing dates and many more interesting features. A notable feature is that it has an internal search engine which helps you during the customization process of your website.

12. Movable Type

Movable type is an open source project aims at producing an open source version of the MTPP (movable type publishing platform) which is destined to become the core of all other movable products. It helps you understand your blog better through features like improved user interface, integrated asset manager for reusing , uploading and finding files like video and audio, gives you details about you blog performance and improves the aesthetic look of your blogs. It improves publishing through a WYSIWYG editor ,cross blog aggregation ,advanced blog template languages ,paginated archives and many more features.
Movable Type


XOOPS is the short form for eXtensible Object Oriented Portal System .It serves as a web framework which can be used by large, medium and small sites. Depending on whether the site is small or large you can install XOOPS in different manners to include different modules like News, forum etc. The notable features of XOOPS are mainly that it is fully modularized, database driven , personalization , World wide support ,theme based skinnable interface and versatile group permissions system

14. Radiant

Radiant is one such CMS which is targeted at the small sites. It has a simple user interface which is elegant and centers around layouts, snippets and pages. It has a very flexible sit structure allowing you to arrange the pages in any order .In addition, Radiant has its own macro language called radius template language thereby making it simple to add content from other pages . It also has custom text filters and intelligent page caching. One more notable feature is that it is built on ruby on rails making it easy for the web developers to extend this software for other purposes

15. Drupal

Drupal is a very popular CMS which enables a single person or an entire community to easily manage ,organize and publish a variety of content on a particular website .With drupal one can register individual user accounts and maintain them ,can create new menus and manage already existing ones ,customize the website layout ,administer the system and perform logging. Drupal allows new features to be added i.e. you can extend Drupal with the help of plug-in modules. Using Drupal one can create a website, brochureware , blogs, forums and many more.It is supported by PHP and a database of PostgreSQL or MySQL .

16. Free Flux

Free flux is one such open source CMS which is known for the extensive feature they offer. Some of the features include static pages, galleries , can be used in different languages etc. It offers full control over the XSLT and CSS templates and has you can edit images in the browser itself .It supports XHTML and has a lot of useful plug-ins like spam protection ,RSS comments and feed and many more.
Free Flux

17. Silverstripe

Supported by PHP ,Siverstripe takes just 30 minutes to setup. It uses MySQL as a database and is supported by OS systems like windows and Linux. The major features of this CMS is that it has an online image editor and has a wide variety of widgets. Also it has an internal search engine and user defined forms .Though it is also used for blogging, it has designed to meet the needs of management. It reduced the size of uploaded images on the fly and gives support to drafts and features. It also has support for out of the box SEO and allows viewers to review and roll back.

18. Melody

Melody is an open source CMS which is highly extensible and customizable. Melody is different from Movable Type because there are a set of processes that assist the greater Movable Type and Melody communities to contribute fixes, features and changes more quickly and freely back to the core product. It includes a logging framework for the developers and administrators, improved user interfaces .It is supported by Microsoft OS, Oracle, MySQL etc.

19. Joomla

Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone as well.

20. b2evolution

b2evolution is a powerful blog tool you can install on your own website. It includes all the features of traditional blog tools, and extends them with evolved features such as file & photo management, versatile skins, multiple blogs, detailed user permissions… not to mention plugins, of course. b2evolution is free, open-source software (GPL), runs on virtually any webserver featuring PHP + MySQL and is available in several languages.

2010 Open Source Awards : Best Open source CMS


Open Source CMS

Every Content Management System (CMS) that is based on one of the Open Source licenses were eligible to participate in this category.
We are pleased to announce that CMS Made Simple has won the Open Source CMS category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

1st Runner up: SilverStripe
2nd Runner up: MODx

Congratulations to CMS Made Simple and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Hall of Fame CMS

This category is reserved for those CMSes that have won the Open Source CMS Award at least once in previous years. 
We are pleased to announce that WordPress has won the Hall of Fame CMS category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.*

Winner: WordPress
1st Runner up: Drupal
2nd Runner up: Joomla!

*As a result of a tie between Drupal and WordPress, an extra independent judge Mark King was brought in for a decisive vote. 
Congratulations to WordPress and a thank you to Drupal and Joomla! for taking part in the Awards this year.

Most Promising Open Source Project

All Open Source projects, that have had its first release date less than two years from 9 August, 2010, were eligible to participate in this category. 
We are pleased to announce that Pimcore has won the Most Promising Open Source Project categoryin the 2010 Open Source Awards.
Sponsored by OpenCandy
Winner: Pimcore
1st Runner up: TomatoCMS
2nd Runner up: BuddyPress
Congratulations to Pimcore and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

Open Source E-Commerce Applications

This category is reserved for the type of web applications that simplify buying and selling of products on the Internet. 
We are pleased to announce that PrestaShop has won the Open Source E-Commerce Applications category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

    Winner: PrestaShop
    1st Runner up: OpenCart
    2nd Runner up: Tomato Cart
    Congratulations to PrestaShop and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

    Open Source Graphics Software

    This category, as the name suggests, is for all Graphic Application Software that is used for graphic design, multimedia development, specialized image development, general image editing, or simply to access graphic files.
    We are pleased to announce that Blender has won the Open Source Graphics Software category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

    Winner: Blender
    1st Runner up: GIMP
    2nd Runner up: Inkscape
    Congratulations to Blender and commiserations to the Open Source projects that took part in the finals for this category but just missed out.

    Open Source JavaScript Libraries  

    This category is reserved for JavaScript libraries, libraries of pre-written JavaScript controls which allow for easier development of RIAs (Rich Internet Applications), visually enhanced applications or smoother server-side JavaScript functionalities.
    We are pleased to announce that jQuery has won the Open Source JavaScript Libraries category in the 2010 Open Source Awards.

    Winner: jQuery
    1st Runner up: Mootools and Raphaël
