Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Google Search App Brings Faster and Better Search to iOS

iOS We've always loved the Google Mobile App for iPhone, but today Google replaced it with considerably better Google Search app, making web searches on iOS easier and faster than ever.
While one-tap access to Google and voice search is great, your results were little more than the Google webapp wrapped in a native app. Now, they've added even more native app perks: namely touch gestures and menus. When you're browsing results, a quick swipe down will get you a search bar, while a swipe from left to right will gety ou a toolbar that lets you search images, places, news, and so on—much easier than hitting those tiny links along the top. It also saves your searches, so when you exit and re-open the app, you can start a new search or hit a button at the bottom of the screen to go back to where you were last. And, of course, it still has quick links to all of Google's other services, so you can get to Gmail, Docs, Reader, and other webapps quickly.
Those are just the biggest improvements in this update; there are a ton more improvements to Goggles, Voice Search, Gmail unread counts, and other stuff, so if you're curious about what else they've thrown in, hit the help button on the app's main page to see more.
The Google Search App is a free download for iOS.

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